Quick Tron Nodes Sync

Version 2.0 – 04.03.2019

Hello fellow TRON enthusiasts. Dorian here with a new article about how to cheat a bit to speedup the tron sync time for your full nodes. As solodity functions are now provided by Full nodes the below guide has been updated. A full sync takes maybe close to a month for a Full node if you start from zero.

The good news are that the TRON foundation makes backups of the output directories every couple of hours publicly available [HERE].
The size has almost doubled in 5 month since the guide was first written.

You can follow Part 1 and Part 2 of our guide to compile the jar files that you need. Then as an intermediate step you will go to the backup directory and download the files.

The Guide has been updated as content and namic conventions have changed

Old Version naming
FullNode-latest-output-directory.tgz               24-Nov-2018 18:16     21G
SolidityNode-latest-output-directory.tgz          24-Nov-2018 19:01     40G

New version naming

FullNode-7188305-3.2.4-output-directory.tgz 04-Mar-2019 04:12 93G
FullNode-latest-output-directory.tgz 04-Mar-2019 10:13 93G

Instructions below:
You can use wget to get them, then untar, then move then into the proper folder (Ex. FullNode)

wget https://backups.trongrid.io/FullNode-latest-output-directory.tgz 
tar -xzvf FullNode-latest-output-directory.tgz 
mv output-directory FullNode

You can also do a chown just to make sure that the user has all needed rights on the files

sudo chown -R user:user /home/user/FullNode

Expected time for archive download and untar is around 30 Minutes – 2 hours (depends on your connection speed and peering).

Covered Scenarios:
1. You need to sync a single node.
Just download the archive, untar and start the node software.

2. You need to sync more than one node.
a) Download the archive on the first, untar and sync until it’s up to date.
b) Stop the Tron Java process and scp the entire directory to the other nodes.
c) edit/modify config files and start the java tron process. it will sync the delta’s since it was stopped.